Friday, 3 January 2020

Fattening performance and carcass traits of Baladi and Shami-Baladi kids

Research (Published online: 03-01-2020)
3. Fattening performance and carcass traits of Baladi and Shami-Baladi kids
Mohammad D. Obeidat, Belal S. Obeidat, Basheer Nusairat and Rolan Al-Shareef
Veterinary World, 13(1): 21-25
Background and Aim: Goat is considered very important ruminant animals that are raised in Jordan; however, the production of the local breeds is low to moderate, and thus, some genetic improvement programs could have a positive effect on the performance of the local breeds. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of crossing Baladi (BB) goat with Shami.
Materials and Methods: A total of 30 newly weaned goat kids (15 BB and 15 Shami-Baladi [SB] kids) were evaluated for growth performance and carcass traits. The trial lasted for 77 days (7 days for adaptation and 70 days for data collection). Feed intake was measured on a daily basis; body weight of kids was measured at the beginning of the study and biweekly thereafter. At the end of the trial, kids were slaughtered to examine carcass traits.
Results: Dry matter intake, initial weight, final weight, and average daily gain (ADG) were not affected by kid's breed type. In addition, breed type of kids showed no significant effect on feed efficiency (feed:gain). Hot and cold carcass weight and dressing percentage were also not affected by kid's breed type. Kid breed type had no significant effect on shoulder, rack, and legs percentages. However, SB kids had a higher loin cut percentage compared to BB kids. In addition, Musculus longissimus depth was higher for SB kids.
Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that crossing SB goat breeds did not have a significant effect on either growth performance or carcass traits. Further studies using reciprocal cross may reveal different results.
Keywords: crossbred, goat, Shami.

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