Research (Published online: 22-11-2015)
9. Staining of Platyhelminthes by herbal dyes: An eco-friendly technique for the taxonomist - Niranjan Kumar, Jadav Mehul, Bhupamani Das and J. B. Solanki
Veterinary World, 8(11): 1321-1325
doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2015.1321-1325
Aim: An environment compatible technique to stain Platyhelminthes, Fasciola gigantica, Gastrothylax crumenifer, Taenia solium, andMoniezia expansa using aqueous and alcoholic extract of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), China rose (Hibiscus rosasinensis), and red rose (Rosa hybrida) were described to minimized the deleterious effects of the synthetic dyes.
Materials and Methods: Aqueous/ethanolic extracts of roses were extracted from the flowers while red beet was extracted from the roots.
Results: Stained helminthes acquired a comparable level of pigmentation with the distinction of their internal structure in these natural dyes. The flukes (liver and rumen) internal structure, oral and ventral/posterior sucker, cirrus sac, gravid uterus, testes, ovary, and vitallaria were appeared pink color in aqueous and alcoholic extract of either China or red rose and yellow to brown color in sugar beet stain. The interior of the proglottid of T. solium and M. expansa took yellow to brown color with good contrast in sugar beet stain and of pink to pink-red in China and red rose stain.
Conclusion: The extract of roses (red rose followed by China rose) followed by red beet possess the potential to replace the conventional stains in the taxonomic study of Platyhelminthes parasites.
Keywords: herbal dyes, Platyhelminthes, rose, sugar beet.