Tuesday 12 March 2019

Clinical investigation of back disorders in horses: A retrospective study (2002-2017)

Research (Published online: 12-03-2019)
5. Clinical investigation of back disorders in horses: A retrospective study (2002-2017)
Abubakar Musa Mayaki, Abdul Razak Intan-Shameha, Mohd Adzahan Noraniza, Mazlan Mazlina, Lawan Adamu and Rasedee Abdullah
Veterinary World, 12(3): 377-381
Background and Aim: Back disorder is an ailment that often affects athletic and riding horses. Despite the rapidly growing equine athletic and equestrian activities, there is no documentation on the nature of equine back disorder (EBD) in Malaysian horses. The purpose of this study was to characterize EBD cases presented to University Veterinary Hospital, Universiti Putra Malaysia, between 2002 and 2017.
Materials and Methods: The compilation of data was based on signalment, case history, duration of clinical signs, anatomical location of the pain, method of diagnosis, type of EBD, treatment, and outcome. The diagnosis of EBD was based on a history of poor performance, clinical examination findings, radiography, and, where applicable, necropsy.
Results: A total of 181 diagnosed cases of EBDs were identified. The age of horses ranged from 5 to 22 years. The EBD cases were more prevalent in male than female horses and predominantly in geldings (60.77%). Thoroughbred, Arab, Polo pony, and Warmblood also recorded the most EBD cases among breeds. The discipline of horses tended to influence the development of EBDs, with patrolling horses recording the highest frequency. Most EBD cases were of the primary type (92.27%), with the main causes being soft-tissue lesions (57.48%), vertebral lesions (18.56%), tack-associated problems (16.77%), and neurological lesions (7.19%). The common treatments employed were administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, 1 to 3-month rest, warm and cold compression therapy, massage therapy, exercise adjustment, as well as correction of ill-saddle fit.
Conclusion: Most EBDs in this study were associated with soft-tissue lesions. Among vertebral lesions, kissing spines were the most common cause of EBDs in horses in Malaysia.
Keywords: back disorder, diagnosis, horses, Malaysia, management.

Thursday 7 March 2019

The detection of gastrointestinal parasites in owned and shelter dogs in Cebu, Philippines

Research (Published online: 07-03-2019)
4. The detection of gastrointestinal parasites in owned and shelter dogs in Cebu, Philippines
Marysia Frances M. Urgel, Rochelle Haidee D. Ybañez and Adrian P. Ybañez
Veterinary World, 12(3): 372-376
Background: Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) parasites affect the health of dogs and may also be zoonotic. The prevalence of these parasites has been well studied in several countries, but reports in the Philippines have been limited.
Aim: This study generally aimed to detect the presence of common GIT parasites in owned and shelter dogs in Cebu, Philippines.
Materials and Methods: A total of 200 fecal samples (130 from owned dogs and 70 from shelter dogs) were collected. Profiles of owned dogs and their owners were obtained. Fecalysis was performed using three methods: Direct smear, sedimentation, and flotation techniques.
Results: Majority of the sampled dogs were 5 years old and below that (79.2%), male (64.6%) and of pure breed (53.1%). Among the most common parasites detected were AncylostomaTrichuris and Toxocara spp. Statistical analyses revealed a significant association between the presence of parasites and the body score of the dogs (p=0.000), the deworming status (p=0.000), and the rearing practice (contact with other dogs, p=0.000, where it spends its time (p=0.000), plays in the grass (p=0.050), where it defecates (p=0.014), contact with other animals (p=0.000).
Conclusion: GIT parasites were detected in owned and shelter dogs in Cebu, Philippines. The results of this study can serve as baseline information about the canine parasitic fauna in the Philippines.
Keywords: Cebu, dogs, gastrointestinal parasites.

Monday 4 March 2019

Larvicidal, adulticidal, and oviposition-deterrent activity of Piper betle L. essential oil to Aedes aegypti

Research (Published online: 04-03-2019)
3. Larvicidal, adulticidal, and oviposition-deterrent activity of Piper betle L. essential oil to Aedes aegypti
Riesna Martianasari and Penny Humaidah Hamid
Veterinary World, 12(3): 367-371
Background and Aim: Aedes aegypti is a primary vector of many arthropod-borne diseases. One of the diseases, dengue fever, is an endemic disease in Indonesia causing high mortalities for decades. There are no preventive and specific treatments for dengue so far. Therefore, prevention of this disease largely depends on the mosquito control. Since resistance to chemical insecticides occurred worldwide, the study on alternate and new mosquito insecticides are mandatory. This study aimed to demonstrate the effect of essential oil from P. betle L. in the larval and adult stages, as well as its influence on oviposition activity of A. aegyptimosquito.
Materials and Methods: P. betle efficacy was evaluated in various stages of A. aegypti development. For the larvicidal activity, larvae instar III stage was used. Adulticidal assay in this experiment was performed using newly emerged A. aegypti. For oviposition assay, mated A. aegypti was tested for their responses to P. betle-treated and non-treated ovitraps.
Results: P. betle L. - adulticide activity was effective with a concentration of 2.5 μl/ml, caused 100% mortality within 15-30 min. Larvicide activity was observed after 1 h, 24 h, and 48 h post-treatment with LC50183, 92.7, and 59.8 ppm and LC90> 637, 525, and 434.7 ppm, respectively. Oviposition activity index was −0.917 in 1000 ppm. In addition, the eggs number of A. aegypti oviposition with 100 ppm of essential oil P. betle L. was 5 times lower than the control.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated clearly that essential oil derived from P. betle L. potentially acts as alternate bioinsecticide to control A. aegypti population. The application can be varied or combined in different stages of mosquito development.
Keywords: adulticide, Aedes aegypti, larvicide, oviposition, Piper betle L.

Determination of progesterone compounds in the crude methanol extract of benalu duku leaves

Research (Published online: 04-03-2019)
2. Determination of progesterone compounds in the crude methanol extract of benalu duku leaves
Lazuardi Mochamad, Bambang Hermanto and E. P. Hestianah
Veterinary World, 12(3): 358-366
Background and Aim: Dendrophthoe pentandra L. Miq (benalu duku) is a parasitic herb that commonly grows on the host plant Lansium domesticum. Researchers have found that the plant contains anticancer compounds and may contain phytoandrogens, including progesterone-like compounds, in its crude methanol extract. The objective of the current study was to investigate the compound of phyto progesterone in benalu duku leaves after extracted by methanol and prepared using an analytical column of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Materials and Methods: About 400 g of benalu duku leaves were pulverized, and their compounds were isolated by the isocratic method using an RP-18 analytical column (5 μm) with a mobile phase of 70:30 (methanol: water) in a photodiode array detector adjusted to 254 nm. The phyto progesterone compound was identified at a retention time of approximately 6.01 min.
Results: By LC-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry focusing on molecular fractions, the fingerprint area of the Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR, cm−1) and Hnuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra indicated that the phyto progesterone product isolated was identical to the certified reference material of pure progesterone, particularly the specific functional groups in the FT-IR spectrum at wavenumbers of 1317.43 cm−1 and 1386.86 cm−1 and in the proton HNMR spectrum at carbon 21 of progesterone (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Each 49.888 μg/mL of crude benalu duku leaf extract dissolved in the mobile phase contained 28.515±0.713 μg/mL phyto progesterone.
Keywords: Androgenic phyto progesterone, Hnuclear magnetic resonance of crude methanol extract, Isolation technique of progesterone, molecular fractions, progesterone compounds in crude methanol extract, progesterone-like effect.

Molecular epidemiological analysis of wild animal rabies isolates from India

Research (Published online: 04-03-2019)
1. Molecular epidemiological analysis of wild animal rabies isolates from India
Gundallhalli Bayyappa Manjunatha Reddy, Rajendra Singh, Karam Pal Singh, Anil Kumar Sharma, Sobharani Vineetha, Mani Saminathan and Basavaraj Sajjanar
Veterinary World, 12(3): 352-357
Aim: This study was conducted to know the genetic variability of rabies viruses (RVs) from wild animals in India.
Materials and Methods: A total of 20 rabies suspected brain samples of wild animals from different states of India were included in the study. The samples were subjected for direct fluorescent antibody test (dFAT), reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR (RT-qPCR). The phylogenetic analysis of partial nucleoprotein gene sequences was performed.
Results: Of 20 samples, 11, 10, and 12 cases were found positive by dFAT, RT-PCR, and RT-qPCR, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all Indian wild RVs isolates belonged to classical genotype 1 of Lyssavirus and were closely related to Arctic/Arctic-like single cluster indicating the possibility of a spillover of rabies among different species.
Conclusion: The results indicated the circulation of similar RVs in sylvatic and urban cycles in India. However, understanding the role of wild animals as reservoir host needs to be studied in India.
Keywords: India, nucleoprotein gene, phylogenetic analysis, rabies virus, wild animals.

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Comparative effects of amiodarone and dronedarone treatments on cardiac function in a rabbit model

Research (Published online: 28-02-2019)
24. Comparative effects of amiodarone and dronedarone treatments on cardiac function in a rabbit model
Worakan Boonhoh, Anusak Kijtawornrat and Suwanakiet Sawangkoon
Veterinary World, 12(2): 345-351
Aim: The objective of the study was to compare the effects of amiodarone (AM) and dronedarone (DR) on heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiac contractility in a rabbit model.
Materials and Methods: A total of 16 male New Zealand white rabbits were divided into two groups, treated either with AM or DR at incremental dosages of 50 mg/kg/day (AM50 and DR50) and 100 mg/kg/day (AM100 and DR100), orally administrated for 7 days. At the end of each period, electrocardiograms were recorded during consciousness and analyzed using the short-term time and frequency domains of HRV. Standard echocardiography and speckle-tracking echocardiography were studied during immobilization with xylazine and ketamine.
Results: The results showed that AM100 and DR100 significantly decreased heart rate, total power, low-frequency component, and low-to-high frequency ratio compared with baselines. Most echocardiogram parameters revealed no significant difference from baselines, except for the global circumferential plane strain rate and time to peak standard deviation of strain, which had statistical significances after treating with AM.
Conclusion: Both AM and DR possess negative chronotropy and reduce HRV, which may be explained by their sympathetic suppression and calcium channel blocking activities. Theoretically, both antiarrhythmic drugs may also possess negative inotropy, but only AM is shown to have a negative inotropic effect and reduces cardiac dyssynchrony in this model.
Keywords: Amiodarone, cardiac function, dronedarone, heart rate variability, rabbit.

Resveratrol mitigates hypercholesterolemia exacerbated hyperthermia in chronically heat-stressed rats

Research (Published online: 27-02-2019)
23. Resveratrol mitigates hypercholesterolemia exacerbated hyperthermia in chronically heat-stressed rats
Hosam Al-Tamimi, Amani Al-Dawood, Saddam Awaishesh and Tony Abdalla
Veterinary World, 12(2): 337-344
Background and Aim: Hypercholesterolemia (HC) is the major leading cause of cardiovascular disease worldwide. Such atherogenic aberration deeply impacts blood circulation. Resveratrol (R) is a polyphenol that has received attention as a hypolipidemic, antioxidant, and vascular agility advocate. Efficient blood redistribution is a key element in mammalian thermoregulation. We hypothesized that R treatment may aid in mitigating hyperthermic responses under both acute and chronic heat stress (HS) conditions in HC male rats.
Materials and Methods: All rats were initially fitted with miniaturized thermologgers to measure core body temperature (Tcore). With a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, four groups were randomly allotted, in which half of the animals ingested an HC diet (C+), while the other half ingested a control (C-) diet, throughout the whole study duration of 35 days. Seven rats from each dietary treatment, however, received R (R+; 13 mg/kg BW/day), while the rest received normal saline (R-) for 5 continuous days. All animals were maintained at thermoneutrality (TN; ambient temperature; Ta=23.15±0.04°C) for a period of 30 continuous days (days 0-29). On day 29, an acute HS (HS; Ta=35.86±0.37°C; for 9 nocturnal h) was imposed. Then, from day 29, a chronic HS protocol (Ta=32.28±1.00°C) was maintained until the past day of the trial (day 34), after which blood samples were drawn for analyses of platelet (PL) count, total antioxidant activity (TAO), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TGs), and lipid peroxidation (LP).
Results: Switching animals from TN to HS resulted in abrupt rises in Tcore. The HC diet induced a significant (p<0.01) hyperlipidemia over the control of diet-consuming rats. Interestingly, the hyperthermic response to acute HS was highly pronounced in the rats consuming the C- diet, while the C+ diet exacerbated the chronic HS-induced hyperthermia. Despite failure to improve TAO in the C+ diet, R+ treatment caused a marked (p<0.05) decline in nighttime - hyperthermia in C+ rats, likely by enhancing blood flow to extremities (for heat dissipation) as delineated by drastic downregulations of C+ related rises in PL, TC, TG, and LP (HC diet by R+ interaction; p<0.03).
Conclusion: The hyperthermic response in C- groups was attributed to higher amount of feed intake than those consuming the C+ diet. Yet, the R+ improvement of thermoregulation in the C+ group was likely related to enhancement of vascular hemodynamics. Resveratrol intake mitigated chronic HS-evoked hyperthermia in rats. Such an approach is worthy to follow-up in other mammals and humans.
Keywords: heat stress, hypercholesterolemia, rats, resveratrol, thermoregulation.

Sunday 24 February 2019

Isolation and molecular characterization of Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocidaassociated with pneumonia of goats in Chhattisgarh

Research (Published online: 24-02-2019)
22. Isolation and molecular characterization of Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocidaassociated with pneumonia of goats in Chhattisgarh
Nidhi Rawat, Varsha Rani Gilhare, Krishna Kumar Kushwaha, Deeksha Dipak Hattimare, Foziya Farzeen Khan, Rajesh Kumar Shende and Dhananjay Kumar Jolhe
Veterinary World, 12(2): 331-336
Aim: The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize the Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida from blood, nasal discharge, and lung tissue of pneumonic goats.
Materials and Methods: A total of 14 goats were investigated for pneumonic pasteurellosis. Of 14 goats, nasal swabs and blood samples were collected from 10 clinically diseased animals. Moreover, lung tissue and heart blood samples were collected during necropsy of four goats died with pneumonia. All the samples were processed for the isolation of M. haemolytica and P. multocida in the laboratory. Bacterial isolates were identified by cultural and biochemical characters and 16S rRNA sequence analysis. All the isolates were subjected to susceptibility testing using commonly used antimicrobials. M. haemolytica isolates were characterized by PHSSA gene detection. P. multocida isolates were characterized by KMT1 gene detection and capsule typing.
Results: On necropsy of dead goats, the pneumonia was characterized as acute fibrinous bronchopneumonia. Bacterial culture revealed the isolation of M. haemolytica (7) and P. multocida (5) of 10 clinical cases. Moreover, M. haemolytica and P. multocida were coisolated from two of the lung tissues. Furthermore, one of the other two lung tissues showed the isolation of M. haemolytica while the other showed recovery of P. multocida. Bacterial isolates were specifically identified by the 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The isolates showed reduced susceptibility to β-lactams, aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones . Moreover, the PHSSA and KMT1 genes were specifically detected among M. haemolytica, and P. multocida isolates, respectively. All P. multocida isolates belonged to serogroup A.
Conclusion: The present study reported an occurrence of pneumonic pasteurellosis caused by M. haemolytica and P. multocida in a goat flock.
Keywords: bronchopneumonia, goat, Mannheimia haemolyticaPasteurella multocida, pneumonic pasteurellosis.

Saturday 23 February 2019

Comparative efficacy of two-dimensional mode and color Doppler sonography in predicting gender of the equine fetus

Research (Published online: 23-02-2019)
21. Comparative efficacy of two-dimensional mode and color Doppler sonography in predicting gender of the equine fetus
M. Mebarki, R. Kaidi, A. Azizi and M. Basbaci
Veterinary World, 12(2): 325-330
Background and Aim: Ultrasonographic fetal sexing is of utmost economic importance for horse breeders. Relatively, a few studies have been conducted to determine fetal sex in mare using transrectal Doppler ultrasound. This study aimed to compare two sexing techniques, two-dimensional (2D) mode and color Doppler ultrasonography.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 39 mares under field conditions. Examinations were performed using the ultrasonic model device (Medison SonoAce Pico, South Korea), equipped with real-time 3-7 MHz convex multifrequency transducer. Fetal sex diagnosis was carried out in two periods of pregnancy, early period (57-80 days of gestation) and late period (80-150 days of gestation).
Results: No difference (p=0.4) was observed between the efficiency of the 2D mode and Doppler ultrasound in sex determination with the respective frequency of 74% and 85%. The best time to sex the early fetus was between 57 and 70 days of gestation and between 90 and 120 days for the older fetus.
Conclusion: The accuracy of sex determination can be increased using Doppler mode compared to 2D mode, especially in the early period between 57 and 70 days, in male more than female sex.
Keywords: Doppler mode, fetal sex, mare, two-dimensional mode, ultrasound.

Chemotherapeutic control of Gram-positive infection in white sea bream (Diplodus sargus, Linnaeus 1758) broodstock

Research (Published online: 23-02-2019)
20. Chemotherapeutic control of Gram-positive infection in white sea bream (Diplodus sargus, Linnaeus 1758) broodstock
Nadia G. M. Ali, Ibrahim M. Aboyadak and Heba S. El-Sayed
Veterinary World, 12(2): 316-324
Aim: This study aimed to identify the pathogenic bacteria responsible for the septicemic disease affecting white sea bream brooders and determining the sensitivity of the recovered isolates to different antibiotics followed by estimation of long-acting oxytetracycline (OTC) efficacy in controlling this disease, and finally, determining the proper dose regimen.
Materials and Methods: Biolog microbial identification system was used for determination of the pathogens which are responsible for this disease. Agar disk diffusion test and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) were used to determine the antibiotic susceptibility of recovered isolates. Oxytetracycline (OTC) was used at a dose level of 100 mg/kg body weight for the treatment of diseased fish, and the OTC concentration in the serum samples was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Results: Fifteen Staphylococcus epidermidis and 11 Bacillus cereus isolates were recovered from the lesion of muscle, tail, eye, and heart blood. S. epidermidis isolates were sensitive to OTC, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, spiramycin, erythromycin (E), and florfenicol. B. cereus isolates were sensitive to all mentioned antibiotics except E. Based on the MIC test, all B. cereus isolates were sensitive to OTC with MIC ranging between <0.125 and 4 μg/ml and 11 S. epidermidis isolates were sensitive with MIC ranging between <0.125 and 8 μg/ml, while four isolates were resistant. Different degrees of degenerative changes were present in the hepatopancreas, posterior kidney, eye, and skin tissues of diseased fish.
Conclusion: Single intraperitoneal injection of long-acting OTC at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight was effective in termination of S. epidermidis and B. cereus infection in white sea bream (D. sargus) broodstock.
Keywords: Bacillus cereus, histopathology, high-performance liquid chromatography, oxytetracycline, sensitivity, Staphylococcus epidermidis.