Tuesday 6 March 2018

Bovine cysticercosis and human taeniasis: Animal-human health and economic approach with treatment trends in Kombolcha Town, Wollo, Ethiopia

Research (Published online: 07-03-2018)
3. Bovine cysticercosis and human taeniasis: Animal-human health and economic approach with treatment trends in Kombolcha Town, Wollo, Ethiopia
Aragaw Tegegne, Adem Hiko and Kemal Kedir Elemo
International Journal of One Health, 4: 15-21
Background and Aim: Bovine cysticercosis and human taeniasis accounted for parasitic zoonotic implications with economic losses from organ contamination and treatment cost. The disease is common where hygienic conditions are poor and the inhabitants traditionally eat raw or insufficiently cooked meat under inadequate community awareness on the associated risk factors for the occurrences of infections in developing countries such as Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to assess bovine cysticercosis and Taenia saginata human taeniasis considering animal-human health and economic approach with treatment trends in Kombolcha Town, Wollo, Ethiopia.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in cattle slaughtered at Kombolcha ELFORA abattoir from November 2016 to April 2017. A questionnaire survey was applied for community awareness, exposure risk, and treatment trends for taeniasis assessment in Kombolcha Town with economic losses from organ condemnation, and drug cost for taeniasis treatments were estimated.
Results: Of the 234 examined carcasses, 21 (8.97%) were found infected with bovine cysticercosis. Organ distribution of the cysts showed highest proportions in liver 40 (29.2%), followed by heart 26 (18.9%), tongue 22 (16.1%), masseter muscle 20 (14.6%), triceps 15 (10.9%), diaphragm 9 (6.7%), and lung 5 (3.6%). Both male, i.e., 15 (6.4%), and female, i.e., 6 (12.8%), were infected. Regardless of sample size, Cysticercus bovis infection was found 8 (21.62%) in adults and 13 (6.60%) older aged. Of 110 interviewed individuals, about 31.8% aware of taeniasis and they also have exposure risk for taeniasis with no differences (p>0.05) within studied demography. The majorities (54.3%) of exposed groups use pharmaceutical drugs, while 28.6% use herbal medicine, but 17.2% use both for treatment. Of 31,469 clinical cases in Kombolcha Town, 22 (0.07%) were positive for taeniasis over the year 2016. An inventory of pharmaceutical shops revealed the supply of 6998 adult taenicidal drug doses for a cost of 19,621.00 Ethiopian Birr (ETB) where mebendazole and albendazole were the most frequent. A total annual economic loss of 1,841,311.00 ETB (73,652.44 USD) consisting of 1,831,890.00 ETB from organ condemnation and 19,421.00 ETB from taenicidal drug cost was estimated.
Conclusion: The present finding indicates the need for community awareness creation regarding the disease condition, associated risk factors, and application of environmental hygiene which could bring a paramount reduction of diseases in human and beef industry which prevent the associated economic loss.
Keywords: abattoir, Cysticercus bovis, economic loss, Ethiopia, Kombolcha, taeniasis.

Androctonus genus species in arid regions: Ecological niche models, geographical distributions, and envenomation risk

Research (Published online: 06-03-2018)
5. Androctonus genus species in arid regions: Ecological niche models, geographical distributions, and envenomation risk
Moulay Abdelmonaim El Hidan, Oulaid Touloun, Abdellah Bouazza, Mehdi Ait Laaradia and Ali Boumezzough
Veterinary World, 11(3): 286-292
Aim: The objective of this study was to establish environmental factors related to scorpion species occurrence and their current potential geographic distributions in Morocco, to produce a current envenomation risk map and also to assess the human population at risk of envenomation.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 71 georeferenced points for all scorpion species and nine environmental indicators were used to generate species distribution models in Maxent (maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions) version 3.3.3k. The models were evaluated by the area under the curve (AUC), using the omission error and the binomial probability. With the data generated by Maxent, distribution and envenomation risk maps were produced using the "ESRI® ArcGIS 10.2.2 for Desktop" software.
Results: The models had high predictive success (AUC >0.95±0.025). Altitude, slope and five bioclimatic attributes were found to play a significant role in determining Androctonus scorpion species distribution. Ecological niche models (ENMs) showed high concordance with the known distribution of the species. Produced risk map identified broad risk areas for Androctonus scorpion envenomation, extending along Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz, Souss-Massa-Draa, and some areas of Doukkala-Abda and Oriental regions.
Conclusion: Considering these findings ENMs could be useful to afford important information on distributions of medically important scorpion species as well as producing scorpion envenomation risk maps.
Keywords: Androctonus genus, ecological niche models, Morocco, risk maps, scorpion envenomation.

Monday 5 March 2018

Prevalence of American foulbrood in asymptomatic apiaries of Kurdistan, Iran

Research (Published online: 05-03-2018)
4. Prevalence of American foulbrood in asymptomatic apiaries of Kurdistan, Iran
M. Khezri, M. Moharrami, H. Modirrousta, M. Torkaman, B. Rokhzad and H. Khanbabaie
Veterinary World, 11(3): 281-285
Aim: Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae is the etiological agent of American foulbrood (AFB), the most virulent bacterial disease of honey bee brood worldwide. In many countries, AFB is a notifiable disease since it is highly contagious, in most cases incurable, and able to kill affected colonies. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of P. larvae subsp. larvae in Kurdistan province apiaries by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique.
Materials and Methods: A total of 100 samples were randomly purchased from apiaries in Kurdistan, Iran. Apiaries were randomly sampled in accordance with the instructions of the veterinary organization from different provinces and were tested using PCR method and an exclusive primer of 16S rRNA for the presence of P. larvae subsp. larvae.
Results: The results of this study indicated a low level of contamination with P. larvae subsp. larvae in the Kurdistan province. The number of positive samples obtained by PCR was 2%.
Conclusion: Therefore, monitoring programs for this honeybee disease in Kurdistan should be developed and implemented to ensure that it is detected early and managed.
Keywords: American foulbrood, honeybee, Kurdistan province, Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae, polymerase chain reaction.

Saturday 3 March 2018

Prevailing practices in the use of antibiotics by dairy farmers in Eastern Haryana region of India

Research (Published online: 04-03-2018)
3. Prevailing practices in the use of antibiotics by dairy farmers in Eastern Haryana region of India
Vikash Kumar and Jancy Gupta
Veterinary World, 11(3): 274-280
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the antibiotic use in dairy animals and to trace its usage pattern among the small, medium, and large dairy farmers in Eastern Haryana region of India.
Materials and Methods: Karnal and Kurukshetra districts from Eastern region of Haryana state were purposively selected, and four villages from each district were selected randomly. From each village, 21 farmers were selected using stratified random sampling by categorizing into small, medium, and large farmers constituting a total of 168 farmers as respondents. An antibiotic usage index (AUI) was developed to assess usage of antibiotics by dairy farmers.
Results: Frequency of veterinary consultancy was high among large dairy farmers, and they mostly preferred veterinarians over para-veterinarians for treatment of dairy animals. Small farmers demanded low-cost antibiotics from veterinarians whereas large farmers rarely went for it. Antibiotics were used maximum for therapeutic purposes by all categories of farmers. Completion of treatment schedules and follow-up were strictly practiced by the majority of large farmers. AUI revealed that large farmers were more consistent on decision-making about prudent use of antibiotics. Routine use of antibiotics after parturition to prevent disease and sale of milk without adhering to withdrawal period was responsible for aggravating the antibiotic resistance. The extent of antibiotic use by small farmers depended on the severity of disease. The large farmers opted for the prophylactic use of antibiotics at the herd level.
Conclusion: Antibiotic usage practices were judicious among large dairy farmers, moderately prudent by medium dairy farmers and faulty by small farmers. The frequency of veterinary consultancy promoted better veterinary-client relationship among large farmers.
Keywords: antibiotic usage, treatment schedules, veterinary consultancy, withdrawal period.

Friday 2 March 2018

Semi-nested polymerase chain reaction-based detection of Babesia spp. in small ruminants from Northwest of Iran

Research (Published online: 03-03-2018)
2. Semi-nested polymerase chain reaction-based detection of Babesia spp. in small ruminants from Northwest of Iran
Ahad Bazmani, Amir Abolhooshyar, Abbas Imani-Baran and Hamid Akbari
Veterinary World, 11(3): 268-273
Aim: The present study aimed to detect Babesia ovis and Babesia motasi in the blood samples of sheep and goats from Northwest of Iran by the semi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique.
Materials and Methods: A total of 166 whole blood samples (including 123 sheep and 43 goats) were collected. In the first stage, the PCR was performed to amplify a piece of 18S rRNA gene of Babesia and Theileriagenera. Then, semi-nested PCR was carried out on all PCR products to differentiate B. ovis and B. motasi.
Results: The PCR indicated that totally, 19 (11.44%) out of 166 samples were positive for Babesia or Theileria spp. The semi-nested PCR showed that 38 samples (22.89%) were positive only for B. ovis. No significant association was found between the infection rate of B. ovis and age, gender and species of animals.
Conclusion: In the present study, there was no evidence for B. motasi infection in small ruminants from Northwest of Iran. Therefore, B. ovis was the main causative agent of ovine Babesiosis in this region.
Keywords: Babesia motasiBabesia ovis, Iran, semi-nested polymerase chain reaction, small ruminants.

Modeling the potential risk factors of bovine viral diarrhea prevalence in Egypt using univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses

Research (Published online: 02-03-2018)
1. Modeling the potential risk factors of bovine viral diarrhea prevalence in Egypt using univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses
Abdelfattah M. Selim, Mahmoud M. Elhaig, Sherif A. Moawed and Ehab El-Nahas
Veterinary World, 11(3): 259-267
Aim: The present cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence and potential risk factors associated with Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) disease in cattle and buffaloes in Egypt, to model the potential risk factors associated with the disease using logistic regression (LR) models, and to fit the best predictive model for the current data.
Materials and Methods: A total of 740 blood samples were collected within November 2012-March 2013 from animals aged between 6 months and 3 years. The potential risk factors studied were species, age, sex, and herd location. All serum samples were examined with indirect ELIZA test for antibody detection. Data were analyzed with different statistical approaches such as Chi-square test, odds ratios (OR), univariable, and multivariable LR models.
Results: Results revealed a non-significant association between being seropositive with BVDV and all risk factors, except for species of animal. Seroprevalence percentages were 40% and 23% for cattle and buffaloes, respectively. OR for all categories were close to one with the highest OR for cattle relative to buffaloes, which was 2.237. Likelihood ratio tests showed a significant drop of the -2LL from univariable LR to multivariable LR models.
Conclusion: There was an evidence of high seroprevalence of BVDV among cattle as compared with buffaloes with the possibility of infection in different age groups of animals. In addition, multivariable LR model was proved to provide more information for association and prediction purposes relative to univariable LR models and Chi-square tests if we have more than one predictor.
Keywords: bovine viral diarrhea, likelihood ratio test, logistic regression, odds ratio, seroprevalence.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Genetic parameter estimation for pre-weaning growth traits in Jordan Awassi sheep

Research (Published online: 27-02-2018)
27. Genetic parameter estimation for pre-weaning growth traits in Jordan Awassi sheep
Khaleel Jawasreh, Zuhair Bani Ismail, Feizal Iya, Vielka Jeanethe Castaneda-Bustos and Mauricio Valencia-Posadas
Veterinary World, 11(2): 254-258
Aim: The aim of this study was to estimate the heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations, and the genetic trends for pre-weaning growth traits including the birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), pre-weaning daily gain (PWDG), and weaning age (WA) in Awassi lambs.
Materials and Methods: A total of 5131 Awassi lambs from two Jordanian sheep breeding stations were used. A multitrait animal model and restricted maximum likelihood methods were used to estimate the covariances between the studied traits.
Results: The mean±standard deviation of BWT, WWT, PWDG, and WA was 4.48±0.8 kg, 17.13±0.7 kg, 0.2±0.07 g, and 65.5±0.7 days, respectively. Heritability estimates were 0.30±0.04 for BWT, 0.19±0.04 for WWT and PWDG, and 0.2±0.04 for WA. Positive genetic correlations were obtained between BWT and other traits, while negative correlations were obtained between WWT, PWDG, and WA (-0.50±0.12) and between WWT and WA (-0.67±0.14). The positive phenotypic correlation was obtained between WA and PWDG (0.63±0.01). The highest additive genetic variance was obtained for WA (34.58), while the lowest was estimated for PWDG (6.22E-04). The highest phenotypic variance was obtained for WA (175.5), while the lowest value obtained was for BWT (0.54). Maternal additive variance ranged between 0.13 and 0.03. The genetic trends were around zero for all studied traits.
Conclusion: Selection should be conducted using animals with high estimated breeding values through controlled breeding.
Keywords: Awassi sheep, breeding values, growth traits, heritability.

Saturday 24 February 2018

Effect of levamisole, Vitamin E, and selenium against aflatoxicosis in broilers chicken

Research (Published online: 24-02-2018)
26. Effect of levamisole, Vitamin E, and selenium against aflatoxicosis in broilers chicken
Amjed H. Ulaiwi
Veterinary World, 11(2): 248-253
Aim: The experiment was conducted to determine of levamisole (0.2 ml/kg-BW), Vitamin E (80 mg)+selenium (1.6 mg), and aflatoxin (B1) (positive control) compared with group without aflatoxin (negative control) on some liver enzymes (aspartate transaminase [AST] and alanine transaminase [ALT]), as well as to study the histopathological changes.
Materials and Methods: The experiment included (200) 1-day-old broilers Ross 308 (Turkey source) mixed sexes. They were divided into four equal groups (50 chicks each group). The experimental period was extended to 35 days.
Results: The results revealed that the levels of liver enzymes (ALT and AST) of all groups at 35 days were significantly (p<0.05) higher than the negative control. Furthermore, the result of histopathological changes in thymus and Harderian gland in different ages of group Vitamin E+selenium showed a reduction in the depletion of the cortex as well as lessening of congestion and hemorrhage and necrosis also decreasing in inflammatory cells in the thymus and Harderian gland.
Conclusion: The study confirmed the protective effect of Vitamin E and levamisole by reducing harmful impacts of aflatoxin through their antioxidant effect as they improved the liver enzymes and histopathological changes due to the toxin.
Keywords: aflatoxin, aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, broiler, levamisole, Vitamin E and selenium.

The effect of supplementation of multistrain probiotic preparation in combination with vitamins and minerals to the basal diet on the growth performance, carcass traits, and physiological response of broilers

Research (Published online: 24-02-2018)
25. The effect of supplementation of multistrain probiotic preparation in combination with vitamins and minerals to the basal diet on the growth performance, carcass traits, and physiological response of broilers
Sugiharto Sugiharto, Isroli Isroli, Turrini Yudiarti and Endang Widiastuti
Veterinary World, 11(2): 240-247
Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of supplementation of multistrain probiotic preparation in combination with vitamins and minerals to the broiler chicken diets on their growth performance, hematological parameters, and carcass traits.
Materials and Methods: Two hundred and eighty-eight Lohmann 1-day-old broiler chicks were randomly allocated to four groups, i.e., control (without additional supplementation) and three experimental treatments where basal diet was enriched by 0.1%, 0.5%, or 1% of multistrain probiotic preparation in combination with vitamins and minerals, respectively. Blood sampling was conducted on day 28, while the selected organs and eviscerated carcasses were collected on day 42.
Results: Dietary supplementation did not affect (p>0.05) the final body weight, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio of broilers. Supplementation by 0.1% and 0.5% of multistrain probiotic preparation in combination with vitamins and minerals reduced (p0.05) heart relative weight of broilers. Dietary supplementation tended (p=0.07) to increase the relative weight of ileum and pancreas of broilers. Supplemented birds had lower (p0.05) numbers of leukocytes and eosinophils compared to unsupplemented birds. There were tendencies that supplementation of multistrain probiotics in combination with vitamins and minerals resulted in lower (p=0.07) counts of lymphocytes and heterophils when compared with no supplementation. Supplementation by 0.5% of multistrain probiotics in combination with vitamins and minerals resulted in lower (p0.05) serum concentration of uric acid when compared with control. There was no significant effect of dietary supplementation on carcass traits, pH, and drip loss of broiler breast muscles.
Conclusion: Dietary supplementation of commercial broiler feeds with 0.5% of multistrain probiotic preparation in combination with vitamins and minerals was potential to improve digestive functions and physiological status of broiler chickens.
Keywords: broiler chicks, growth rate, minerals, multistrain probiotics, physiological status, vitamins.

Friday 23 February 2018

The effect of purified Quercus cortex extract on biochemical parameters of organism and productivity of healthy broiler chickens

Research (Published online: 23-02-2018)
24. The effect of purified Quercus cortex extract on biochemical parameters of organism and productivity of healthy broiler chickens
Galimzhan Kalihanovich Duskaev, Nadezhda Mihajlovna Kazachkova, Alexander Sergeevich Ushakov, Baer Serekpaevich Nurzhanov and Albert Farhitdinovich Rysaev
Veterinary World, 11(2): 235-239
Aim: Modern methods of producing poultry meat without the use of antibiotics are known, and it is possible to achieve the desired conditions, including the use of herbal preparations. In addition, it is known that metabolites of medicinal plants are inhibitors of the quorum sensing system in bacteria. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of Quercus cortex extract in a reduced dose on the productivity and body state of healthy chicken broilers.
Materials and Methods: For the experiment, 120 heads of 7-day-old healthy broiler chickens were selected, and they were divided into four groups (n=30, 3 replicates of 10 birds in each group) by the analog method. The composition of diets of the experimental Groups I and II additionally included Q. cortex extract and Groups II and III included an enzyme preparation containing glucoamylase and concomitant cellulolytic enzymes. The following methods of study were used; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry, and hematological analysis.
Results: It was established that the increase in live weight of broiler chickens in experimental groups exceeded the analogous indicator in the control group by 3.1-16.6%, and feed intake within the entire experimental period increased by 2.6-15.4%, against a background of decreasing feed consumption for a weight gain of 1 kg of live weight (by 3.7-9.2%). There was an increase in iron concentration in blood of broiler chickens in Groups I and II (7.8-11.8%), in liver (23.7-92.4%, p≤0.05), and in spleen (53.9-77.7%, p≤0.05) against the background of a decrease in muscle tissue. A decreased content of monocytes and granulocytes was found, especially in experimental Group I.
Conclusion: In the experiment, it was shown for the first time that the inclusion of Q. cortex extract in an enzyme-containing diet (anti-quarantine substances) was found to increase the productivity of poultry.
Keywords: blood, broilers, growth, iron, Quercus cortex.