Monday 8 September 2014

Animal Production Food Safety

In response to the demand from consumers worldwide for safe food, the OIE is working with relevant organisations to reduce food borne risks to human health due to hazards arising from animal production. In this context, a hazard is defined as a biological, chemical or physical agent in food with the potential to cause an adverse health effect in humans, whether or not it causes disease in animals. The 3rd OIE Strategic Plan (2001-2005) recommended that "OIE should be more active in the area of public health and consumer protection," and noted that this should include "zoonoses and diseases transmissible to humans through food, whether or not animals are affected by such diseases", with the object of improving the safety of the "food production to consumption continuum" worldwide.

In 2002, the Director General of the OIE established a permanent Working Group on Animal Production Food Safety (APFSWG) to coordinate the food safety activities of the OIE. The Working Group's membership includes internationally recognized experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), and reflects a broad geographical basis.
Under the 4th OIE Strategic Plan (2006-2010) the OIE’s role and work programme relevant to animal production food safety was firmly established, and the arrangements for cooperation with the CAC in the provision to governments and other interested parties with consistent, coherent and complementary advice on the management of food safety risks from the farm to the fork.  The 5th OIE Strategic Plan (2011-2015) confirms the mandate of the APFSWG to continue working with relevant organisations, especially the CAC, FAO and WHO, with the goal of reducing risks to human health due to hazards arising from animal products. The Working Group will continue its programme for the development of standards relevant to the pre-slaughter sector of the food chain, with a primary focus on food safety measures applicable at the farm level. This work includes pathogens and other hazards that do not normally cause disease in animals.
The Director General of the OIE receives advice from the APFSWG and relevant OIE Specialist Commissions on the activities of the OIE in the area of animal production food safety.
The APFSWG recognised that the goals of the OIE can only be achieved by working in collaboration with the WHO, the FAO and their subsidiary bodies, particularly the CAC. Regular participation in each other’s standard setting work has helped to improve the coverage by official standards of the whole food production continuum and to avoid gaps, duplications and potential contradictions in the standards and guidelines of the two organisations. This is particularly evident in the recent work by both organisations on Salmonella in poultry, and the current work on Trichinella, where a whole food chain approach has been taken.
The OIE has also strengthened formal and informal relationships with relevant international organisations and expert groups.
The membership of OIE Working Groups (including the APFSWG) is based on internationally recognised scientific expertise, with balanced geographic representation an important secondary consideration. Members are proposed by the OIE Director General and presented for endorsement by the World Assembly of Delegates meeting in plenary at the OIE General Session annually in May. Participating experts are expected to contribute objectively to the discussion and not to represent the views of a particular country, sector or organisation.
On the right hand side of this page you can find information on the membership, terms of reference and modus operandi of the APFSWG, selected documents, meeting reports and a link to the OIETerrestrial Animal Health Code (the Terrestrial Code) on line.


Canine physical therapy

Physical therapy for canines, or canine rehabilitation, adapts human physical therapy techniques to increase function and mobility of joints and muscles in animals. Animal rehabilitation can reduce pain and enhance recovery from injury, surgery, degenerative diseases, age-related diseases, and obesity.[1]
The goal of physical therapy for animals is to improve quality of life and decrease pain. Although most veterinary practices offering physical therapy are geared toward canines, techniques used in this discipline can also be applied to horses, cats, birds, rabbits, rodents and other small animals.[2]


The benefits of physical therapy for animals have been widely accepted in the veterinary community for many years. However, clinical practice of physical therapy for animals is a relatively new field in the U.S. In Europe, equine and canine physical therapy have been widely recommended and used for at least the last fifteen years. In the last three to five years, the veterinary community in the U.S. has seen a large growth in physical therapy practices for animals, making it a more available resource for practicing veterinarians. This growth in the availability of canine physical therapy is forcing a change in focus in many veterinary practices from curative and palliative care to preventive care. An example of this is the push for the use of animal physical therapy for weight reduction in obese animals. Weight reduction can reduce the risk of developing many degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis and DJD.[3][4]


An animal generally must have a diagnosis and referral by a veterinarian to start a physical therapy regime. A certified canine rehabilitation practitioner (CCRP) performs physical therapy. A certified veterinary technician (CVT) may also perform physical therapy techniques if they have been trained and are supervised by a CCRP.
Several programs exist to obtain a CCRP certification. These programs focus on training individuals to apply physical therapy techniques to animals while minimizing discomfort. CCRP certification courses can last from 6 months to one year depending on the program chosen and offer a certification exam at the end of the program

The University of Tennessee[edit]

The University of Tennessee currently offers post-graduate courses and certification for CCRPs through their canine rehabilitation program. This program is directed by David F. Levine and Darryl Mills, and is taught by a combination of veterinarians and canine physical therapists. Educational topics offered include orthopedics, pain management, joint mobilization, and many others. These courses are offered to qualified veterinarians, veterinary technicians, physical therapists, physical therapy assistants, and occupational therapists. Course work is blended between on-site seminars and online courses.[5]


In an animal physical therapy practice, a CCRP usually confers with the diagnosing veterinarian on the cause and severity of an animal's condition to develop a specialized therapy plan on a client by client basis. Each technique used in animal physical therapy has different benefits and not all techniques are useful for each condition. Physical therapy for orthopedic conditions can include any combination of the following techniques: thermotherapy, cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, muscle building exercises electrical stimulation and coordination exercises. Neurological conditions generally benefit the most from balance and coordination building exercises, muscle building exercises, electrical stimulation and hydrotherapy. Surgical repairs and traumatic injuries are generally treated with heat therapy, cryotherapy, massage, electrical stimulation, and hydrotherapy.[6]


Massage is used in animal physical therapy to relieve tension in muscles and stimulate muscle development. Massage helps speed up recovery from injuries and surgery by increasing blood flow to the area and relieving muscle spasms. Massage is used widely in canine physical therapy and can be helpful in improving the comfort of animals affected by nearly all medical conditions.[7]

Thermo and cryotherapy[edit]

Thermotherapy is generally used in animal physical therapy before strength building exercises and hydrotherapy. Heat packs are applied to the affected area to increase range of motion, decrease stiffness in joints and increase blood flow. This helps to make the animal more comfortable in the application of other physical therapy techniques. Deep heating of the muscle by laser therapy is often used to stimulate healing of surface wounds and relieve pain and discomfort of constricted and sore muscles. Cryotherapy is often used after an intensive physical therapy session to decrease discomfort caused by inflammation of the muscle.[8]

Passive range of motion[edit]

Passive range of motion (PROM) is accomplished through flexion and extension of the joint to its limits. It is important for the physical therapist not to stretch the joint past its normal limits. PROM is used to encourage animals to use the full range of motion of the joints. This therapy technique can significantly increase an animal's range of motion and decrease joint pain, improving its quality of life.[9][10]

Balance Exercises[edit]

Balance exercises make use of equipment designed to strengthen weak muscles and build up limbs affected by atrophy. These exercises include balancing on physio-balls, wobble boards and balance boards. Balance exercises can be useful in animals recovering from surgery. The animal is forced to place weight on the surgical repair, building muscle in the affected area. These exercises can also be helpful for animals with neurological conditions. For example, an animal recovering from a stroke has decreased coordination and balance which can be improved through a physical therapy regime that includes balance exercises.[11]

Coordination exercises[edit]

Coordination exercises help improve an animal's awareness of its surroundings. Such exercises include cavalettis, weaves, and figure eights. Cavaletti is an exercise that gives an animal obstacles to walk over. This exercise makes the animal focus on where each foot is being placed and builds coordination. Weaves and figure eights help to build coordination and strength by forcing the animal to shift its weight quickly from one side to the other as it turns. These exercises are very useful in dogs suffering from neurological conditions and spinal cord injuries.[12]

Strengthening exercises[edit]

These exercises include uphill and downhill walking, stairs, standing on 2 or 3 legs, ramps, and sit-to-stands. Uphill and downhill walking are effective physical therapy techniques for increasing flexion of the hip joint. This is a good technique for stretching the hip joint and increasing range of motion in dogs with hip dysplasia and degenerative joint disease. Walking up and down stairs forces an animal's weight to shift fully onto its front or hind legs and builds muscle in the shoulders and thighs, respectively. A simple but effective strengthening exercise for animals with surgical repairs is to force an animal to place more weight than they would normally on the affected limb by lifting the opposite leg. If the physical therapist is attempting to build muscle in the right hind leg, they lift the left hind leg to shift weight onto the right hind leg. To increase the difficulty of this exercise they lift both the right front and left hind legs. Ramps work similarly to uphill and downhill walking. The angle of the ramp can be altered to increase or decrease difficulty. Sit-to-stands work similarly to squats in humans. The animal is asked to sit square on its haunches and is then encouraged to push off its hind legs to stand up. This exercise increases strength in the thigh and stifle joint of an animal.[13][14]


Hydrotherapy techniques use water as a tool to improve muscle and joint function in animals. These techniques include but are not limited to swimming and underwater treadmill. Swimming allows an animal to work several muscles at once while stretching further than walking on land would allow. This helps to build muscle and endurance and is a technique that minimizes stress on the joints. Underwater treadmill is used commonly in animal physical therapy. It provides the benefits of land exercises while decreasing the weight placed on the animal’s limbs. Underwater treadmill and swimming can be very useful in dogs recovering from surgery, such as anterior cruciate ligament and cranial cruciate ligamentrepairs and break repairs.[15][16]

Electrical Stimulation[edit]

Electrical stimulation techniques uses electrical currents to either stimulate muscles or to combat pain. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is often used to help improve muscle strength, and/or motor recruitment. Trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) can be used to help relieve the pain that the animal may be experiencing. These techniques are used along with the other techniques listed above.[17]


  1. Jump up^ Hellyer P, Rodan I, Brunt J, Downing R, Hagedorn J, Robertson S. 2007. AAHA/AAFP Pain Management guidelines for dogs and cats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 43:235-248.
  2. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  3. Jump up^ Mlacnik E, Bockstahler B, Muller M, Tetrick M, Nap R, Zentek J. 2006. Effects of caloric restriction and a moderate or intense physiotherapy program for treatment of lameness in overweight dogs with osteoarthritis. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 229(11):1756-1760.
  4. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  5. Jump up^
  6. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  7. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  8. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  9. Jump up^ Crook T, McGowan C, Pead M. 2007. Effect of passive stretching on the range of motion of osteoarthritic joints in 10 Labrador retrievers. Vet Rec. 160(16):545-547.
  10. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  11. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  12. Jump up^ Holler P, Brazda V, Dal-Bianco B, Lewy E, Mueller M, Peham C, Bockstahler B. 2010. Kinematic motion analysis of the joints of the forelimbs and hind limbs of dogs during walking exercise regimens. Am J Vet Res. 71(7):734-740.
  13. Jump up^ Holler P, Brazda V, Dal-Bianco B, Lewy E, Mueller M, Peham C, Bockstahler B. 2010. Kinematic motion analysis of the joints of the forelimbs and hind limbs of dogs during walking exercise regimens. Am J Vet Res. 71(7):734-740.
  14. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  15. Jump up^ Jurek C, McCauley L. [Updated 2010]. Underwater treadmill therapy in veterinary practice: Benefits and considerations. DVM 360. Available from:
  16. Jump up^ Rivera PL. 2007. Canine Rehabilitation Therapies I and II. Proceedings of the 79th Annual Western Veterinary Conference; 2007 Feb 18-22; Las Vegas. 11p.
  17. Jump up^ Mills D, Levine D. Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, 2e 2013. p342-53

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Sunday 7 September 2014

Comparison of blood profiles between healthy and Brucella affected cattle

8. Comparison of blood profiles between healthy and Brucella affected cattle - Rita Nath, Sutopa Das, Satya Sarma and Maitrayee Devi
Veterinary World, 7(9): 668-670

   doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2014.668-670

Rita Nath: Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
Sutopa Das: Department of Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
Satya Sarma: Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
Maitrayee Devi: Department of Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
Received: 23-05-2014, Revised: 20-07-2014, Accepted: 27-07-2014, Published online: 07-09-2014
Corresponding author: Rita Nath, email:

Aim: The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the blood biochemical metabolites of crossbred cattle suffering from brucellosis, in Khetri region of Kamrup District of Assam, India.
Materials and Methods: Blood was collected by venipuncture from the jugular vein using 18 gauge hypodermic needle fitted to a Vacutainer-Leur adapter and evacuated tubes. Samples were screened for Brucella by rose Bengal plate test using plate test antigen. The study consisted of two groups. Group I consisted of healthy crossbred cows and Group II consisted of crossbred cows affected with brucellosis. Blood metabolites were estimated by spectrophotometric methods.
Results: Out of 14 serum samples, 8 samples were positive for Brucella and remaining 6 were found to be negative. It was observed that serum albumin and urea of the affected cattle showed a significant decrease (p<0.05), but serum globulin, cholesterol, triglyceride, aspartate transaminase, and alanine transaminase activities were significantly increased (p<0.05) in comparison to the healthy cattle. Glucose, protein, albumin: globulin ratio, blood urea nitrogen did not show much variation between the Brucellosis affected and healthy cattle.
Conclusion: Results obtained showed that brucellosis have a harmful effect on the animals health as they disturb the vital organs functions, which appear in the form of changes in blood biochemical parameters.

Keywords: biochemical metabolites, brucellosis, cattle, rose Bengal plate test.

Seroprevalence of canine dirofilariosis, granulocytic anaplasmosis and lyme borreliosis of public health importance in dogs from India’s North East

7. Seroprevalence of canine dirofilariosis, granulocytic anaplasmosis and lyme borreliosis of public health importance in dogs from India’s North East S. K. Borthakur, D. K. Deka, Kanta Bhattacharjee and P. C. Sarmah
Veterinary World, 7(9): 665-667

   doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2014.665-667

S. K. Borthakur: Department of Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
D. K. Deka: Department of Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
Kanta Bhattacharjee: Department of Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;
P. C. Sarmah: Department of Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science, Assam Agricultural University, Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam, India;

Received: 02-05-2014, Revised: 21-07-2014, Accepted: 25-07-2014, Published online: 07-09-2014

Corresponding author: Kanta Bhattacharjee, email:

Aim: Vector-borne infections namely dirofilariosis, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis and lyme borreliosis are being recognized as emerging and/or re-emerging problems in dogs and man due to rapid extension of zoogeographical ranges of many causative agents through international tourism and increase mobility of dogs at national and international level towards meeting the demand for companion animals in the present day society. Anticipating such situation, a serological study was conducted in dogs from North East India to estimate the prevalence of zoonotically important Dirofilaria immitisAnaplasma phagocytophilum and Borrelia burgdorferi along with Ehrlichia canis.
Materials and Methods: Serological study was carried out using enzyme immunoassay in commercial SNAP 4DX® test kit (Idexx Laboratories, USA). The study was conducted in 191 dogs comprising 82 pets, 57 stray and 52 working dogs owned by defence organizations.
Results: The study revealed seroprevalence of mosquito-borne D. immitis (17.80%), tick-borne E. canis (22.51%) and A. phagocytophilum(4.71%) with an overall 41.88% prevalence of pathogens in single or co-infection. Serological evidence of tick-borne lyme borreliosis due toB. burgdorferi could not be established in dogs in the present study. Of the zoonotic species, highest prevalence of D. immitis was found in the stray dogs (22.80%) and that of A. phagocytophilum in pet dogs (6.09%).
Conclusion: The results of the present serological study serve as baseline information on the prevalence of A. phagocytophilum in dogs reported for the first time in India and reaffirmation on the high prevalence of D. immitis and E. canis in the North East India.

Keywords: Anaplasma phagocytophilumBorrelia burgdorferidogDirofilaria immitisEhrlichia canis.

Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in stray and owned dogs of Grenada, West Indies

6Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in stray and owned dogs of Grenada, West Indies - Ravindra N. Sharma, Gabriel Ordas, Keshaw Tiwari, Alfred Chikweto, Muhammad Iqbal Bhaiyat, Claude De Allie and Tara Paterson
Veterinary World, 7(9): 661-664

   doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2014.661-664

Ravindra N. Sharma: Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Georges University, Grenada, West Indies;
Gabriel Ordas: Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Georges University, Grenada, West Indies;
Keshaw Tiwari: Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Georges University, Grenada, West Indies;
Alfred Chikweto: Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Georges University, Grenada, West Indies;
Muhammad Iqbal Bhaiyat: Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Georges University, Grenada, West Indies;
Claude De Allie: Division of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Grenada, West Indies;
Tara Paterson: Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Georges University, Grenada, West Indies;
Received: 21-05-2014, Revised: 18-07-2014, Accepted: 25-07-2014, Published online: 07-09-2014
Corresponding author: Ravindra N. Sharma, email:

Aim: This serological survey was undertaken to estimate the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in two populations of dogs (stray and owned dogs) in Grenada. Dogs get infected with oocysts voided from cats, definitive hosts of T. gondii. In dogs, T. gondii causes subclinical to clinical disease. Earlier studies conducted in Grenada on a small population of owned dogs showed evidence of exposure to T. gondii.
Materials and Methods: Antibodies to T. gondii were determined in serum samples from 625 dogs (368 stray and 257 owned dogs) from around all six parishes in Grenada, West Indies, using an indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.
Results: Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 123 (33.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 28.58-38.22%) of stray dogs and in 64 (25%; 95% CI: 19.71-30.29%) of the owned dogs. Seropositivity was higher in stray dogs than in pet dogs (p=0.026). Whereas, there was no sex predisposition to seropositivity in owned dogs (p=1.0), female stray dogs showed a higher prevalence than male stray dogs (p=0.04).
Conclusion: These results support previous findings that T. gondii is prevalent in Grenada. In this study, overall seropositivity for T. gondiiin dogs in Grenada is lower than noted in 2008, but is still higher in stray dogs than in owned dogs.

Keywords: dog, ELISA, Grenada, T. gondii.

Global snapshot of infectious canine cancer shows how to control disease

Whiile countries with dog control policies have curbed an infectious and gruesome canine cancer, the disease is continuing to lurk in the majority of dog populations around the world, particularly in areas with many free-roaming dogs. This is according to research published in the open access journal BMC Veterinary Research.
The survey of veterinarians across the world confirmed that Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT) has a global reach. Researchers from the University of Cambridge found that the countries and areas with the lowest rates of the disease also had strong dog control policies. These include managing the number of street dogs; spay and neuter practices; and quarantine procedures for imported dogs.
CTVT first originated as a tumor in a single dog that lived thousands of years ago, and by becoming transmissible, this cancer has become the oldest, most widespread and prolific cancer known in nature. It causes tumors of the genitals, and is spread by the transfer of living cancer cells between dogs during sex. The tumor cells multiply and can be sloughed off and transferred to another dog during mating. CTVT is one of only two known transmissible cancers -- the other has decimated the wild Tasmanian devil population.
Until now, no systematic global survey of the disease had been performed. To understand the global distribution and prevalence of the disease, the scientists sent a questionnaire to 645 veterinarians and animal health workers around the world. The replies showed that CTVT is endemic in dogs in at least 90 of 109 countries surveyed.
The researchers found that the only cases of CTVT reported in countries in Northern Europe, where free-roaming dogs are absent, were found in dogs that had been imported from abroad. There were no reports of CTVT in New Zealand, a country with strict dog quarantine policies. On the other hand, the disease was more likely to be present in countries or areas with free-roaming dog populations.
Andrea Strakova, University of Cambridge, said: "Although CTVT can usually be effectively treated, lack of awareness of the disease and poor access to veterinary care mean it can go untreated and impact the welfare of dogs. Research and monitoring of this disease may lead to improved methods for disease prevention, detection and treatment."
Dr Elizabeth Murchison, University of Cambridge, said: "Our study has suggested that free-roaming dogs are a reservoir for CTVT. Our review of the historical literature indicated that CTVT was eradicated in the UK during the twentieth century, probably as an unintentional result of the introduction of dog control policies. Careful management of free-roaming dog populations, as well as inclusion of CTVT in dog import/export quarantine policies, may help to control CTVT spread."
The research also highlighted the importance of dog sterilisation programs in controlling CTVT spread. However, dog spaying and neutering may not always be protective against CTVT, possibly because the disease can also be spread by biting, licking or sniffing.
The research highlights the remarkable global spread of a single canine cancer which has continued to survive beyond the animal that first spawned it.

Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by BioMed CentralNote: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Journal Reference:
  1. Andrea Strakova, Elizabeth P Murchison. The changing global distribution and prevalence of canine transmissible venereal tumourBMC Veterinary Research, 2014; 10 (1): 168 DOI: 10.1186/s12917-014-0168-9

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BioMed Central. "Global snapshot of infectious canine cancer shows how to control disease." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 3 September 2014. <>.